A magical show where beautiful Princesses become Pop Stars! This is the children’s pop concert with a big difference. A musical spectacular starring four fabulous fairy tale Princesses who just love to sing...and they're back with a brand new show for 2024! Featuring a soundtrack of top pop hits from artists such as Little Mix, Ariana Grande, Taylor Swift, Meghan Trainor and Miley Cyrus, plus all the best songs from all your favourite Films and Musicals. Come and join the fun! Time: 2.00pm Tickets: £18.00
http://www.sllcboxoffice.co.uk All persons under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Terms and Conditions apply.
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Thank you for visiting the Discover Lanark website. This website is a partnership project by Discover Lanark for Business, Lanark Community Development Trust and Border Biscuits Community Support. Please let us know if you enjoy using the website, or if you have any suggestions for content you would like to see on the website.
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